Why it's in my portfolio:

This piece is included because as a writing response, I felt a deep connection to the topic, and feel as though I was able to have a further understanding of the writing. Because of this, it was easier for me to explain that in this assignment. I also feel like I was able to bring a new perspective and express concepts of the writing I would like to further expand on. 

Artifact #4: Writing Response

Both stories were very eye opening and spoke on some very intriguing and harsh realities that people have gone through, are going through, and things that people can probably relate to going through still as on going issues. I myself grew up in a family of mostly all girls and all though it's not my story I feel as though if my brother now can speak on his memories and experiences of growing up in a family of five kids with four girls and the baby being the boy, he'd have a similar experience to Cinsneros. He grew up in a house where we dressed him up and grew his hair out to play the part of the younger sister we wanted, most likely creating an environment where he felt neglected and more than anything just wanted to be seen for who he was as an individual. I appreciate the light that Malcom shed on the fact that in America and white countries the majority of our history is whitewashed and only expressed the way we wanted it to be. I wish that we had gotten a more unbiased factual representation on historic events from all differents sides and wasn't presented such a fabricated story for us viruses how it really happened, so we can truly learn from our wrongs we've made in the past. I'd like to know more about the things Malcom was teaching and how he spread the information he was learning about and how he spread his gospel and faith differently than the white men he read about with their fake goals of spreading their religion in the name of conquering. I genuinely enjoyed both reads and found them easy as they were both pretty standard on the vocabulary but also things that intrigued me and made me want to dive deeper into.

Student Learning Objective: Variation across Contexts

This objective is achieved by my response brining up a few different contexts. Primarily, my personal context and the way I was able to connect the writing and provide that similar experience. Second, I introduce the context of culture mentioning how Malcom portrayed America in his piece and the cultural perception while addressing the potential bias throughout as well. 

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