Artifact #5: Last peer review
"I feel like in the 3rd paragraph the metaphors were a bit jumbled making the imagery a little hard to follow along with. By going from one metaphor on growing and planting to sweeping makes it harder for the reader to understand the point trying to be made. Outside of that comment I did feel as though the story was going to be a very creative and an original read with a lot of imagery creating a piece of work I wouldn't mind reading."

Why it's included in my portfolio:
I chose to include this artifact as it brought about the end in a way for me. It forced me to reflect back on my time in this course, the knowledge I've gained, and the progress I've made throughout each piece of work. This peer review helped me to understand my strengths and ongoing areas for potential when it comes to my writing. My understanding of proper audience and literary elements allowed me to provide reasonable advice to my peer.
Student Learning Objective: Writing and Power
Using the tools and information that I've learned in ENC 1101, I was able to break down my peer's writing, and identify the use of literary devices and how it could be improved. By examining the work critically and thoroughly, I was able to emphasize the power of language and how its use in literature can change or shift intended meanings, themes and much more. My review was able to encompass the power writing and all of its parts have in making a solid and understandable piece.
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